Creating EAM accounts in batch awaiting approval using CSV Upload (for Healthstat)

Last updated: 2024-04-02 11:11

Creating EAM accounts in batch awaiting approval using CSV Upload (for Healthstat)

Click on Manage to the top left of the screen, so that EAM appears. When hovering over this, the items EAM Users and EAM Accounts become visible. Click on EAM Accounts and Bulk upload successively.

The Accounts Batch Creation page appears.

Select a valid .csv file on your system to upload or use the following example file:

Use the schema file to validate the csv:


User roles and corresponding values

To complete the value for the “role” header, 4 different variables are possible:

  • DATA_PROVIDER_HOSPITAL = Data Provider / Hospital
  • DATA_PROVIDER_INDIVIDUAL = Data Provider / Individual
  • SPONSOR_INDIVIDUAL = Sponsor / Individual

Make sure to use "healthstat" as value for the "app" header.

Additional tips

  • When adding an Author group, it needs to exist, or the line will be skipped.
  • Avoid using Excel as this can lead to unwanted formatting.
  • Make sure that you have placed the quotes correctly.

Then, make a selection in the Approval State toggle underneath.

  • Create as awaiting approval: With this option the accounts will receive the status Approval and will be set ready for the Access Manager to be Approved.
  • Create as pre-approved: With this option the accounts will receive the status Approved and will be uploaded directly without further interference by the Access Manager (e.g. confidence in content quality is very high)

Finally, run the batch creation by clicking on the corresponding button.