Access the HD4PD v2 application

Access the HD4PD v2 application

Last updated: 2022-04-29 17:16

1. General information

The aim of this document is to explain how access to EAM can be requested. A new form has been created for this purpose. Via this platform you can request access to various data collections present on the platform HD4DP2.

2. Entity Access Management

2.1. Homepage

1. Go to

2. Click on Login

3. You will have to authenticate using your eID / Itsme.

4. If your eID account is linked to multiple hospitals, first a choice of the hospital will be presented. Select on behalf of which hospital/center you would like to continue.

2.2. Requesting access to a form

After successful authentication via eID / Itsme (and selecting an hospital if applicable), you should be able to select "My Profile".

5. Click on "Request access"

6. Please complete the form

2.3 Getting access to a form

After successfully requesting access to a form, you will be contacted by support. They will give you a token code you can use to get access to the requested form.

7. Go to or navigate via "My profile" and then "Enter access token"

8. Fill in the RIZIV-INAMI number of your organisation and the token you received from support

9. After completing the form, click on ‘Submit’