General GPBARO_DM project information

Last updated: 2024-04-25 10:42

Project name

Barometer for General Practice: Diabetes

Project abbreviation


Project code


Primary organization that oversees implementation of project

  • KU Leuven - Academisch Centrum Huisartsgeneeskunde (ACHG)

Partner organization participating in project

  • General practice centers

Organization that commissioned this project

Organization providing monetary or material support

Brief project description

The study aimed to provide a tool that will help general practitioners in Belgium to map the population of their diabetes patients and to receive feedback on the quality of care for their diabetes patients.

The main objective of this project is to monitor the quality of diabetes care in general practice. By giving individual feed-back to GP centers, this might stimulate them to improve the quality of their care.

Researcher is willing at first stage to collect aggregated data from individual GP centers in Belgium. These data will contain the number of diabetes patients in a GP center and the number of diabetes patients in whom quality indicators for diabetes care are fulfilled. This data collection will be used to provide feedback, with benchmarking, to individual GP centers about the quality of their diabetes care. This feedback can stimulate GP centers to improve their quality of care.

Regulatory framework of this project

No legal or regulatory framework.