Log in to healthstat.be

Last updated: 2023-11-14 15:20

To log in into healthstat.be go to the following URL: healthstat.be.

Click on the user symbol top right and subsequently on Log in in the pop-up menu.

You will be redirected to the government's Federal Authentication Service (FAS), where you can log in with one of the digital keys such as eID or itsme.

If you choose to connect via itsme, you will need to enter your cell phone number.

Follow the instructions on your mobile device via the ItsMe application.

Once you have gone through the itsme login procedure, you need to select the green confirmation button ("Profiel bevestigen" or "Confirmer le profil") in the screen below to access the Sciensano environment.


You will be redirected to the landing page.

Select PROJECTS in the left navigation menu to display the data collections you have access to.

Select the data collection of your choice.

The relevant data collection opens. Select a report under Report title.

To consult the report and to select the report criteria, you need to authenticate again.