Technische handleiding van de applicatie HD4DP v2

Technische handleiding van de applicatie HD4DP v2

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 12:50

Technische gebruikersrollen in HD4DP v2

Technische gebruikersrollen in HD4DP v2

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 13:00

Installatie van HD4DP v2

Installatie van HD4DP v2

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 13:33

Instructies voor HD4DP v2 Infrastructuur

Instructies voor HD4DP v2 Infrastructuur

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 13:38

Informatieblad HD4DP v2 Infrastructuur

Informatieblad HD4DP v2 Infrastructuur

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 15:15

Vereisten voor de installatie van HD4DP

Vereisten voor de installatie van HD4DP

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Adelaide.DAmore wo, 11/22/2023 - 15:41



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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 16:24

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 20:33

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 20:33

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

S2S API voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 20:33

HD4DP v2 CSV Upload

HD4DP v2 CSV Upload

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Bart.Servaes di, 10/03/2023 - 13:26

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:24

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:24

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

CSV Upload voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:24

HD4DP v2 MyCareNet

HD4DP v2 MyCareNet

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Bart.Servaes di, 02/14/2023 - 20:15

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:25

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Primo-implantatie"

The content of this page is only available in EN. Select the EN language button to read it.

Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:25

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Revisie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:25

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

MyCareNet XML Export voor Orthopride Heup "Resectie"

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Bart.Servaes wo, 02/15/2023 - 09:25

MyCareNet integratie in HD4DP v2

MyCareNet integratie in HD4DP v2

The content of this page is only available in EN. Select the EN language button to read it.

Bart.Servaes di, 02/14/2023 - 21:09


Databases Bart.Servaes vr, 02/16/2024 - 11:23

Orthopride Hip data ophalen uit de lokale database van HD4DP v2

Orthopride Hip data ophalen uit de lokale database van HD4DP v2

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 23:51

Nippin database

Nippin database

The different statuses of a Nippin message in the database

TO_SEND HD4DP v2 ready to be sent to MyCareNet or SFTP folder
ARCHIVEDMessages are set to ARCHIVED, only if the NippinCleanup table has 0 records. These messages will not be processed and won't receive any attention afterwards.
INVALIDXML payload is invalid, a ticket can be created at our service portal, including the payload of the invalid message.
BUFFEREDnot used
ERRORHD4DP v2 was not able to send the message to MyCareNet or SFTP folder
SENTHD4DP v2 was able to send the message to MyCareNet or SFTP folder
Column Name Data Type Description
id bigserial Primary Key
message_id varchar(255) Identifier for the message
identification_value text Identification value of the organization that is sending the message
name text Name of the organization that is sending the message
payload text Payload of the message
payload_after_validation text Payload after (xsd-)validation
response text Response to the message (received from myCarenet)
valid boolean Whether the message is valid or not
interface_type varchar(25) Type of interface used for the message (e.g. FILE_SYSTEM or REST)
status varchar(25) Current status of the message (possible states : INVALID (validation against xsd-scheme failed), TO_SEND (ready for sending to myCarenet), SENT (sent to myCarenet), ERROR (something went wrong during sending, e.g. unable to reach myCarenet))
created_on timestamp Timestamp of when the message was created
input_reference varchar(255) Reference for the input message (this is a unique identifier that can be used for debugging/tracing with myCarenet)
issuer text Issuer of the message
postresponse_tack_applies_to text Applies-to value for the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
postresponse_tack_id text ID of the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
postresponse_tack_reference text Reference for the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
postresponse_tack_resultMajor text Result major for the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
postresponse_tack_resultMinor text Result minor for the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
postresponse_tack_resultMessage text Result message for the TACK post-response (received from myCarenet)
previous_registrationcode varchar(255) Previous registration code for the message (obsolete)
current_registrationcode varchar(255) Current registration code for the message (value will be identical to previous_registrationcode)
version_tag varchar(255) Current application-version

Granted privileges



  • Count records grouped by the type and status:
nippin=# select interface_type, status, count(id) from nippin_message group by interface_type,status;
 interface_type | status  | count
 FILE_SYSTEM    | SENT    |   117
 FILE_SYSTEM    | TO_SEND |  9238
(3 rows)
  • Get all error and invalid information:
select id, message_id, project_id, dcd_id, payload_after_validation from nippin_message where status in ('INVALID', 'ERROR');
  • Get previous and current registration code:
select id, message_id, project_id, dcd_id, previous_registrationcode, current_registrationcode from nippin_message;
  • Get nippin cleanup information:
select * from nippin_cleanup;

MyCareNet integration-specific queries

Only for hospitals that are using the Nippin integration in HD4DP v2.

  • Count records with status SENT and group them based on the reference ID received from MyCareNet:
 select postresponse_tack_result_major, postresponse_tack_reference, count(*)  from nippin_message where status = 'SENT' group by status, postresponse_tack_result_major, postresponse_tack_reference;
  postresponse_tack_result_major   |     postresponse_tack_reference      | count
 urn:nip:tack:result:major:success | ***** |   2
 urn:nip:tack:result:major:success | ***** |   88

Bart.Servaes do, 02/15/2024 - 15:50

Architectuur 2.5

Architectuur 2.5 Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 21:35

Uniformed naming convention

Uniformed naming convention

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 22:41

MDM Mapping of billing codes for MyCareNet

MDM Mapping of billing codes for MyCareNet

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Bart.Servaes wo, 11/22/2023 - 23:09

Online Acceptance Environment (OACC) voor HD4DP v2

Online Acceptance Environment (OACC) voor HD4DP v2

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Adelaide.DAmore do, 11/23/2023 - 00:18

Toegang aanvragen

Toegang aanvragen

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Adelaide.DAmore di, 03/12/2024 - 15:19