Purpose of HD4PrC

Purpose of HD4PrC

Next to the architecture for hospitals and laboratories, healthdata.be has developed an architecture to facilitate data collections from various primary care actors: healthdata for primary care (HD4PrC).

Following the eHealth action plan 2013-2018, all general practitioners must be connected to healthdata by end 2017. Over time, HD4PrC should become the standard tool for the collection of data for scientific and/or policy supporting purposes. Therefore, HD4PrC should cater for both primary care actors with an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and without.

Highlighting some of the basic principles:

  • Healthdata only receives pseudonymized data (with eHealth acting as TTP)
  • Re-use of information from the primary systems (EMR) is supported and promoted
  • Two-way communication between data providers (general practitioner) and researcher is supported

admin ven 01/10/2021 - 20:19