General description of the application

Last updated: 2021-11-11 15:31

As part of Action Point 18 ("Inventory and consolidation of registers") of the eHealth Action Plan 2013-2018, a survey was sent in 2014 by the department of Sciensano (then the Scientific Institute of Public Health) to the managers of a Belgian database with health and/or healthcare data. This survey asked the managers to describe the metadata (both technical and non-technical) of the database they host. This information was subsequently published by on the open data platform

In 2015, the eHealth Action Plan 2013-2018 was updated. The following new action was added to Action Point 18: "A publicly accessible web application with a detailed inventory of all recurrent scientific data collections in the field of health and healthcare that exist in Belgium and support policy is permanently updated". To support this action, the original survey was made available again by the department via the portal This metadata portal contains, for each project or database, the original metadata (2014) as published on the open data platform The adjustments to the metadata portal are automatically published every day on the open data platform

The updating of the metadata portal by the managers of the databases concerned is also an essential part of the FAIR data policy envisaged by the Minister of Public Health.