HD4DP v2 Installation

Last updated: 2023-04-18 12:23

Finally, we also offer the possibility for each hospital to have an integration server and a production server. Healthdata.be will deploy the new release of the application on the integration server. This will allow you to accept or decline the promotion of a new release of the HD4DP 2.0 application to the production server. This option is highly recommended, but not mandatory.

Therefore, could you answer the question: Do you want to first deploy HD4DP on an integration server? Yes/No. If Yes, Could you provide a server whose label used for specifications is ‘Small’ (following the instructions in section 1 of this mail), that is:

  • Processors number: 1
  • Physical cores/Processor : 8
  • RAM memory : 16 Go
  • Disk space: 100 Go
  • Network Station Mount with Space for Backups
  • Operating System: Linux Ubuntu v18.04
  • Virtualization

Server installation timing

In order to establish the deployment schedule for the HD4DP 2.0 application within your organization, we would like to know when the server could be installed and configured. To this end, could you give us the 2 dates relating to the installation of the server:

  • Starting date ;
  • Finalization date.

Based on these dates, an employee of healthdata.be will regularly monitor the operations linked to the installation of the server.

For any request for information on installing the HD4DP 2.0 server, please send an email to hd-architecture-20@sciensano.be.