HD4DP v2 CSV Upload

HD4DP v2 CSV Upload


This page explains the functioning of the CSVUploader feature. The CSVUploader feature is aimed to do a bulk upload of records: by filling a csv file, one record per row represents one submission so a user can fill as much records as needed.


Below you can review the HD4D¨2 CSV Upload training organized by healthdata.be:


The CSVUploader is located under hd-connect/csvuploader. It uses both hd-connect-csvuploader and hd-connect-proxy modules.

The general architecture of the CSVUploader is explained in the sequence diagram below.

Third-party libraries and frameworks

  • Apache Camel: https://camel.apache.org/
  • Spring Boot

Testing and working

  • The CSVUploader creates a folder at root level (SFTP for end-user, or hd-all for developer) that contains a subfolder per existing organisation.
  • The CSVUploader will poll with a delay of 1 min, process the csv file and then create 3 folders:
    • ARCHIVE folder: contains the source csv file.
    • RESULTS folder: contains the results of processing the csv file. This file contains the specified data, and the final status of the processing: Success or Error. If an error occurred, the error message is displayed. For multiple uploads, the result is added to the end of the result file each time.
    • ERROR folder: this folder is created if the csv test file was not processed, due to an I/O error (file corrupted, not found etc.). So for now, only technical errors are caught and the source csv file is moved to that folder instead of the ARCHIVE folder. In principle, this folder should contain any result that is an error. The RESULT folder should only contain results that end with a SUCCESS status.


Some formats are specific:

  • Dates: should be dd/mm/yyyy
  • Boolean: true / false
  • Codes: the value of the code (not the translation)
  • Multi codes: there is only one column per field. So when a select box is set as multiple, values have to be separated by a "|". e.g.: 68452|68453|68454
  • Repeatable blocks: in some DCDs, a complete block of fields is repeatable. In that case, value have to be separated by a ";"
    • e.g.: A block is containing 3 fields: A (Lob), B (Type klep) and C (Aantal kleppen)


In case of a multiple choice:

Example of a multiple choice as presented in the DCD:

As presented in the form:

For reporting fields with a multiple choice formatting, the selected answers can be reported separated by the pipe symbol (|).

Example of a multiple field reporting:



In case of a repeatable block

Example of a repeatable block as presented in the DCD:

As presented in the form:

Manually enter the repeatable fields as shown in the following template: field_category|<index>|field.

Example of a repeatable block reporting:

Repeatable 1:



Repeatable 2:





manager Thu, 04/11/2024 - 17:13

Process to upload a CSV file to submit DCD registrations

Process to upload a CSV file to submit DCD registrations

Documentation for CSV Upload on Architecture 2.0

Description of the service

The CSV Upload functionality gives the possibility to import multiple parameters from a set of patients in one time into HD4DP 2.0. The csv file is based on an extract of the electronic patient files and/or other local databases.

Currently there is no user interface in HD4DP 2.0 for uploading csv files. If a data provider wants to upload a csv file, the file has to be dropped at a specific location. These files will be picked up and processed periodically. The files should be “final”, meaning that no application is writing to them. The pick-up location will be identical for all registries.
Pre-registry handling will be based on a naming-convention of the csv file.

HOW TO: Upload data using CSV Upload

Steps To Upload data

1. Prepare the csv file (example file in this section)

  • Extract the csv file from the electronic patient files and/or other local databases.
  • Author group, Author and Coauthor:
    • When the Author Group, Author and Coauthor have been left out in the csv file, the default Author group, Author and Coauthor will be used automatically.
    • When the desired Author Group, Author and Coauthor are specified in the csv file, the following headers TX_AUTHOR_GR, TX_AUTHOR and TX_COAUTHOR must be added to the csv file with their values respectively.

Test group;test@sciensano.be;test@sciensano.be

The Author group, Author and Coauthor must exist and are well configured at the back-end of the system. TX_AUTHOR_GR can be a string that identifies the Author group to which this Author belongs. Commonly, the first name and last name are used to identify the TX_AUTHOR_GROUP. Be sure to avoid leading and trailing spaces when entering the Author group value.

  • Similarly, add the field name 'STATUS' in capitals in an additional column. Add the value 'draft' in case a manual submission of the record is requested.
    If not, the record will be submitted without manual intervention.
  • Adding separators to a NISS number:
    It is not necessary to add separators in a NISS number when uploading a file using CSV Upload. You can fill out the NISS number both with or without separators. E.g.: 85.04.02-169.32 or 85040216932.

  • Make sure the name of the csv file has the correct format:

So FOR EXAMPLE for Orthopride Knee - Primo Implantation the format would be:


Disclaimer: The example files above are only provided as a guideline and do not contain real life data.

2. Uploading the CSV File

Step 1: Open the sftp tool like WinSCP

Step 2: Get the credentials (Host name, Port number, User name and Password) from the IT department of the Data Provider, to log on to the sftp server located on the Data Provider side.

Step 3: Fill in the credentials into the Login screen and click on Login to be able to access the different upload folders:

Note: a warning might be given, just click on Update

Now the CSVUpload folder structure is displayed on the right-hand side panel:

Step 4: Select the project folder Orthoprideknee-8 and open it by double-clicking on it:

Step 5: Double-click on the DCD folder to open it:

Step 6: Now go to the folder on the left-hand side panel where the CSV file to be uploaded is located:

Step 7: Drag the CSV file to be uploaded from the left-hand side panel into the folder on the right-hand side panel:

Step 8: Wait until the polling system of the CSV Uploader has picked up the CSV file and has processed it.
Once the CSV file has been processed it will disappear from the folder, when we refresh the page manually!

3. Validate CSV Upload

Once the CSV file has been processed 3 folders will be created (if they haven't been created already) in the DCD folder:

  • ARCHIVE (after a csv file has been processed, the original csv file will be saved in this folder)
  • RESULT (when the csv file is placed in this folder, it means that the csv file has been processed, a file will be created or (or appended, if the file already existed) with the result of the upload of the csv file).
    All the errors that are described in th this file are business related, which means that they are technically correct, but in violation with the business rules or contains wrong values for that field.
  • ERROR (when the csv file is placed in this folder, it means that a technical error has occurred like the csv file contained erroneous formatting. The csv file won't get processed and an error file will be created with the errors and reason why the csv file couldn't be processed)

3.1 Validation of the CSV Upload via sftp tool:

Step 1: Double-click on the ERROR folder to open it, click on the refresh button and verify that there is no error file present.

Step 2: Return to the DCD folder. Now double-click on the RESULT folder to open it, click on the refresh button and verify that the result file is present.

Step 3: Double-click on the result file to open it.

Step 4: If there are multiple records in the result file, scroll to the entry of the current csv upload by looking at the upload date (Started at dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm).
Verify the result file that the upload was successful by searching for the word SUCCESS and having a look at the Status. This Status must contain: Success;Success Count:1;Error Count:0

Step 5: If there are multiple records in the result file, scroll to the entry of the current csv upload by looking at the upload date (Started at dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm).
Verify the result file that the upload was successful by searching for the word SUCCESS and having a look at the Status. This Status must contain: Success;Success Count:1;Error Count:0

3.2 Validation of the CSV Upload via HD4DP 2.0:

Step 1: Open the web application HD4DP 2.0.

Step 2: Select the concerned organization in the dropdown list and click on Volgende (Next)

Step 3: Fill in the username and password, that has been provided by your IT Department or Healthdata team, and click on Log in to access the HD4DP 2.0 application.

Step 4: Navigate in the menu on the left-hand side panel to the desired DCD:

Step 5: Check that the uploaded DCD(s) is/are displayed in the DCD overview

peter.luijpers Mon, 12/18/2023 - 16:37