Find an Orthopride total femur registration

Find an Orthopride total femur registration

The study project Orthopride total femur consists of three parts: Primo-implantationRevision and Resection.

On the following pages we explain how you can find a registration for each section.

Cette documentation est encore en construction. Nous essayons de présenter les informations aussi correctes, complètes et aussi claires que possible. Cependant, si vous voyez un élément dans la documentation qui est incorrect, ne correspond pas à votre expérience ou nécessite des éclaircissements supplémentaires, veuillez créer une demande (type : demande d'information) via notre portail ( ou nous envoyer un e-mail à pour signaler ce problème de documentation. N'oubliez pas d'inclure l'URL ou l'adresse Web de la page avec le problème de documentation. Nous ajusterons ensuite la documentation. Merci!

manager Wed, 04/17/2024 - 08:46

Find a Total femur registration "Primo-implantation"

Find a Total femur registration "Primo-implantation"

To find a "Primo-implantation" registration for the study project Orthopride total femur, select "Primo-implantation" in the dark blue left menu.

When you select a version of this study section, you will see the summary table in the main part of your screen. This table contains, among other things: Registration ID, Progress, Author, Co-author, Unique ID, Business Key, Registration Code, National Patient Registry Number…

In the header of the summary table, you can use the filter below each column label. In the example below, the last name "Khan" has been entered in the filter (text field), so only the record with "Khan" is displayed.

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This documentation is being updated regularly. We try to provide as correct, complete and clear as possible information on these pages. Nevertheless, if you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience or requires further clarification, please create a request (type : request for information) via our portal ( or send us an e-mail via to report this documentation issue. Please, do not forget to mention the URL or web address of the page with the documentation issue. We will then adjust the documentation as soon as possible. Thank you!
manager Tue, 04/04/2023 - 13:49

Find a Total femur registration "Revision"

Find a Total femur registration "Revision"

To find a "Revision" registration for the study project Orthopride total femur, select "Revision" in the dark blue left menu.

When you select a version of this study section, you will see the summary table in the main part of your screen. This table contains, among other things: Registration ID, Progress, Author, Co-author, Unique ID, Business Key, Registration Code, National Patient Registry Number…

In the header of the summary table, you can use the filter below each column label. In the example below, the last name "Khan" has been entered in the filter (text field), so only the record with "Khan" is displayed.

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This documentation is being updated regularly. We try to provide as correct, complete and clear as possible information on these pages. Nevertheless, if you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience or requires further clarification, please create a request (type : request for information) via our portal ( or send us an e-mail via to report this documentation issue. Please, do not forget to mention the URL or web address of the page with the documentation issue. We will then adjust the documentation as soon as possible. Thank you!
manager Tue, 04/04/2023 - 13:50

Find a Total femur registration "Resection"

Find a Total femur registration "Resection"

To find a "Resection" registration for the study project Orthopride total femur, select "Resection" in the dark blue left menu.

When you select a version of this study section, you will see the summary table in the main part of your screen. This table contains, among other things: Registration ID, Progress, Author, Co-author, Unique ID, Business Key, Registration Code, National Patient Registry Number…

In the header of the summary table, you can use the filter below each column label. In the example below, the last name "Khan" has been entered in the filter (text field), so only the record with "Khan" is displayed.

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This documentation is being updated regularly. We try to provide as correct, complete and clear as possible information on these pages. Nevertheless, if you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience or requires further clarification, please create a request (type : request for information) via our portal ( or send us an e-mail via to report this documentation issue. Please, do not forget to mention the URL or web address of the page with the documentation issue. We will then adjust the documentation as soon as possible. Thank you!
manager Tue, 04/04/2023 - 13:50