Barometer for General Practice: Diabetes

Barometer for General Practice: Diabetes

Welcome to the documentation pages for the project Barometer for General Practice: Diabetes, provided by the service (Sciensano).

These pages provide information about the technical processes of the project. The following sections are provided:

For scientific information of the project, please contact the primary organization that oversees implementation of project (see section "General project information").

admin Thu, 04/25/2024 - 11:03

General GPBARO_DM project information

General GPBARO_DM project information

Project name

Barometer for General Practice: Diabetes

Project abbreviation


Project code


Primary organization that oversees implementation of project

  • KU Leuven - Academisch Centrum Huisartsgeneeskunde (ACHG)

Partner organization participating in project

  • General practice centers

Organization that commissioned this project

Organization providing monetary or material support

Brief project description

The study aimed to provide a tool that will help general practitioners in Belgium to map the population of their diabetes patients and to receive feedback on the quality of care for their diabetes patients.

The main objective of this project is to monitor the quality of diabetes care in general practice. By giving individual feed-back to GP centers, this might stimulate them to improve the quality of their care.

Researcher is willing at first stage to collect aggregated data from individual GP centers in Belgium. These data will contain the number of diabetes patients in a GP center and the number of diabetes patients in whom quality indicators for diabetes care are fulfilled. This data collection will be used to provide feedback, with benchmarking, to individual GP centers about the quality of their diabetes care. This feedback can stimulate GP centers to improve their quality of care.

Regulatory framework of this project

No legal or regulatory framework.

Bart.Servaes Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:42

The GPBARO_DM data reporting and visualization

The GPBARO_DM data reporting and visualization Bart.Servaes Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:43 Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 15:20

General description of the application

General description of the application is the data visualization platform of the project, which is part of the national Action Plans eHealth (2013-2018; 2019-2021; 2022-2024). Here, the researchers publish tables, figures and maps they made based on the data they have collected among Belgian hospitals, laboratories, physicians, and patients. With these reports, researchers want to give health professionals, healthcare institutions, patients, governments and the general public an up-to-date insight into the prevalence of certain diseases, their causes and impact, and the effectiveness of their treatment. is a service of Sciensano the Belgian Scientific Institute of Health, and funded by the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance.

In developing, many measures were taken to ensure the protection of the privacy of the patient, the caregiver and the medical confidentiality. For example, no personal information like name, date of birth or national registry number is available on Because of all these measures, this approach received an authorization from the Sectoral Committee Health of the Privacy Commission.

Bart.Servaes Wed, 04/17/2024 - 10:50

Components and features

Components and features

The application contains the following major components: SAS Viya, Drupal CMS, Keycloack.

SAS Viya

SAS Viya is a cloud-enabled, in-memory analytics engine that provides quick, accurate and reliable analytical insights. In the application SAS Viya engine is enabled on premise (on the private cloud infrastructure of

SAS Visual Analytics is a component of SAS VIYA used by to enable the exploration of patterns, trends and relationship between data points. It’s possible for users to explore data insights without complicated advanced analytical skills.

SAS Scripting Wrapper for Analytics Transfer (SWAT) package enables Python and r developers to connect to SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) engine of the SAS Viya framework to publish Python and r data visualizations into the portal.

Drupal CMS

Drupal is a web content management system. Drupal includes core modules that can be enabled by the administrator to extend the functionality of the core application: .access statistics and logging, advanced search, custom content type and fields, and user interface to create, manage, and display lists of content, multi-level menu system, multi-user content creation and editing, RSS feed and feed aggregator, security and new release update notification, user profiles, various access control restrictions , and workflow tools.


Keycloak is an application to allow single sign-on with Identity and Access Management for web applications and services. It is used to mediate between the Federal Authentication Service (FAS) - enabling authentication with eID and Itsme - and the SAS VIYA framework – connecting to the authorized reports in

Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 16:50

Position of the application in the HD architecture

Position of the application in the HD architecture
Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 15:21

User manual of the application

User manual of the application Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 15:21

User roles in

User roles in

Each healthcare organization has at least one Access Manager who is managing the access rights to the applications of the own organization and is doing so in the HD Entity Access Management (EAM) system. In this process, access requests by healthcare organization employees are analyzed and validated if legitimized. The scope of the accesses granted to may differ, which is reflected in various combinations of user roles and data levels.

Two user roles can be distinguished: Data Provider, which is a user linked to an existing organization, and Sponsor, being the sponsor/coordinator of the data collection. Both are allowed to view reports based on data level. There are two data levels that determine the scope of visibility of the reports: Hospital, i.e. consulted reports contain all data registered by hospital staff, Individual, i.e. consulted reports contain only data that have been registered by that very user.

Data Provider / Hospital:

The Data Provider / Hospital profile can:  

  • consult reports of a specific data collection that contain data from the concerned hospital

Data Provider / Individual:

The Data Provider / Individual profile can: 

  • consult reports of a specific data collection that only contain data that have been personally registered

Sponsor / Sponsor:

The Sponsor / Sponsor profile can:

  • consult all reports that contain data collected at hospital level

Sponsor / Individual:

The Sponsor / Individual profile can: 

  • consult all reports that only contain data that have been personally registered


  • It is up to the Access manager to change roles from or to Data Provider / Hospital, Data Provider / Individual, Sponsor / Sponsor and Sponsor / Individual. These actions are to be performed in the EAM system.

Bart.Servaes Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:56

Request access as a General Practitioner to the application

Request access as a General Practitioner to the application applications such as HD4DP v2 and process sensitive personal information. Therefore, strictly controlled processes are used to grant access to these applications. The Entity Access Management (EAM) portal of facilitates these processes.

Due to the migration from EAM version 2.7 to EAM version 3.0 both systems will exist parallel during the transition period. Make sure that you always use the version currently available for your organization.

Until further notice, General Practitioners will make use of EAM version 2.7.

Continue to request access to for a specific project in EAM 2.7. The procedure shows how to create a user profile in EAM that enables General Practitioners to make use of the application.

Bart.Servaes Thu, 12/21/2023 - 17:32

Request access as a General Practitioner to for a specific project in EAM 2.7

Request access as a General Practitioner to for a specific project in EAM 2.7

Enter the URL in your internet browser to open the Entity Access Management landing page.

To request access to the HD application you need to click on REQUEST ACCESS in the blue text box in the middle of the screen.

You will be directed to the next screen, where you select the button Log in with eID.

Clicking on this button leads you to the government's Federal Authentication Service (FAS), where you can log in with multiple digital keys with eID or digital identity.

If you choose to connect with ItsMe, you can enter your cell phone number.

Follow the instructions on your mobile device via the ItsMe application.

Once you have run through the ItsMe login procedure, you want to select the green confirmation button (available in FR and NL) in the screen below to access the Sciensano environment.

After selection of the confirmation button, you are logged in to the EAM portal as indicated by the My profile and Log out options that appear at the top left of your screen.

When clicking on the REQUEST ACCESS link again, the following message now pops up on your screen. It invites you to complete your user profile.

Click on the My profile link in the message to go to your profile page.

Select the Edit tab to complete your profile information.

The greyed-out fields such as First name and Last name contain information that is automatically prefilled based on your eID data.

Following fields are left to complete:

  • NIHDI Number: Fill in your personal NIHDI number.
  • Organization: Add the name of your organization. For GPs this is 333333333-General Practitioners (333333333).
  • Email address: Replace the system-generated content and enter your professional e-mail address in this mandatory field. The address will be used to inform you about the validation of your profile and the requested access.
  • State: Two options are available:
    • Draft: This status indicates that you have not finished completing the profile fields yet. Only you can see the filled in data at this stage. Modification of the profile information is restricted to the status "Draft". You can however Save profile information as Draft to finalize and send it for validation at a later point in time.
    • Validation Requested: The provided user profile information is complete and you want to send it for validation to the Access Manager of your organization.

      Be sure to select Validation Requested in the State drop-down list.

Click on the Save button to send your profile information to the Access Manager of your organization.

The subsequent Access Denied message (see below) indicates that you can't modify the filled in and sent profile information anymore.

You have successfully created your profile. Now, you need to wait until you receive a validation message of the Access Manager of your organization. Please note that this can take up to two weeks.

This documentation is being updated regularly. We try to provide as correct, complete and clear as possible information on these pages. Nevertheless, if you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience or requires further clarification, please create a request (type : request for information) via our portal ( or send us an e-mail via to report this documentation issue. Please, do not forget to mention the URL or web address of the page with the documentation issue. We will then adjust the documentation as soon as possible. Thank you!
Bart.Servaes Wed, 04/24/2024 - 14:34

Log in to

Log in to

To log in into go to the following URL:

The following landing page will appear.

Click on the user symbol top right and subsequently on Log in in the pop-up menu.

You will be redirected to the government's Federal Authentication Service (FAS), where you can log in with multiple digital keys such as eID or itsme.

If you choose to connect via itsme, you will need to enter your cell phone number.

Follow the instructions on your mobile device via the ItsMe application.

Once you have gone through the itsme login procedure, you need to select the green confirmation button ("Profiel bevestigen" or "Confirmer le profil") in the screen below to access the Sciensano environment.


You will be redirected to the landing page.

Select PROJECTS in the left navigation menu to display the data collections you have access to.

Select the data collection of your choice.

The relevant data collection opens. Select a report under Report title.

To consult the report, you have to authenticate again.

Hereafter, you can select the following report criteria:

  1. period
  2. indicator
  3. infection
  4. age range
  5. benchmark

Note: If there are no reports available it means that the necessary rights to access them has not been given yet. Please consult your access manager and ask him/her to assign the necessary data collections from within the application.

Bart.Servaes Tue, 04/16/2024 - 11:12

Consulting reports

Consulting reports

On the left side of the screen you will notice different reports. All different reports (or folders containing reports) are available to be consulted.

The small lock icon indicates that this is a private reports to which only a limited number of people have access to these. After selecting one of the reports, it could be possible that you are presented with a parameters page. This page will allow the report to be generated with the parameters you request.

Please select a value for all the required parameters.

If all the parameters are correctly entered a report will be generated and it's directed to a page containing the output. Depending on the type of report, it could be a graph or a table.

Bart.Servaes Thu, 04/25/2024 - 12:00

Support service of

Support service of

The Service Desk of (Sciensano) helps users of our applications and services and deals with requests and problems when they arise.

The Service Desk focuses on those services run by our IT Services (HD4DP, HD4RES,,...) and helps you with accounts and passwords. For questions about the content and objective(s) of the projects, we kindly refer to the managing research organizations.

For most efficient processing of your request, we advise you to use our service portal:

Please find below our support window hours:

Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 14:38

How to report an incident

How to report an incident

The service (Sciensano) processes each incident report according to a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). A public version of this SOP "HD Incident Management Process" is also available on this portal

To submit an incident related to projects and applications in production and facilitated or managed by Sciensano's service, you must first log into the HD Service and Support portal:

After the login step, you will arrive at the main page of the portal.

On the main page, you must select "Get Help".

A new page with the title "Create an incident" will appear.

You can now document your incident or problem by providing the following information:

Please indicate the urgency of resolving your issue based on its criticality to the business.

Please indicate the type of problem you are experiencing.

When the problem type "Application" is selected, two additional fields appear: "Project Name" and "Application".

Please select the appropriate information.

Please describe clearly and briefly (1 sentence) the subject of your problem.

Please describe the problem in detail. The following aspects are important for us to understand and solve the problem:

  • a description of the actions you want to perform but fail to perform (e.g. provide us with a field name, a validation rule, a button, etc.)
  • a description (if possible) of the sequential steps you follow to use the service or the application of for which you need support;
  • a brief description of the technical problem you are experiencing (e.g. error messages)

We strongly recommend that you add a screenshot describing the problem (IMPORTANT: do not provide us with patient data!).

You can add the screenshot by clicking on "Add attachments".

On the right side of the form, the mandatory information items of the incident form are listed. When these fields are completed, their names disappear from the "required information" box.

The form can only be submitted if all required fields are filled in, by pressing the green "Submit" button.

If all required fields have not been completed, a warning message will appear at the top of the form.

In addition, missing mandatory fields will be highlighted in green.

When the incident form has been successfully submitted, a preview of your submission appears in a new screen.

On the right side of the screen you will find the details, including the incident number.

On the left side of the screen, you will find a chronology of your incident processing, starting with your creation.

Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 14:41

Submit a request for information about HD

Submit a request for information about HD

To request information about the platform, you first need to log in to the HD Service and Support portal:

After the login step, you will arrive at the main page of the portal.

On the main page select "Request something".

new page with the different types of request will appear.

Select the box "Request for information about HD".

A new page with the titles of the Request for information about HD will appear.

You can now document your request by providing following information:

Provide a short and clear description of your request for information (1 sentence).

Provide a detailed description of your request for information.

If available, please upload additional documents relevant for this request for information about HD.

On the right side of the form, the required information elements of the request form are listed. When these fields are completed, these field names will disappear in the "required information" box.

Only after all required fields have been completed, a form can be submitted by selecting the green Submit button.

If not all required fields were completed a warning message will appear on top of the form.

Also the missing required fields will be highlighting in green.

When the request form was successfully submitted, an overview of your request will appear in a new screen.

On the right of the screen, you will find the details , including the Request number

On the left of the screen, you will find a timeline of the handling your request, starting with your creation.

Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 14:41

Email security policy

Email security policy


Sciensano blocks e-mails from organizations if the configuration of their e-mail and/or DNS services allow potential abuse by spammers/attackers. More specifically, if the configuration enables other senders to impersonate your organisation by allowing them to mimic your organization’s e-mail “Header From”.

In other words, they can send phishing and spam mails that cannot be distinguished from genuine mails from your organization.

If you’re responsible for managing your ICT infrastructure, keep reading. If not, pass this message on to your ICT department or to the ICT service that’s managing your ICT infrastructure.


You’ll have to verify that your configuration complies with “Sender Alignment” security requirements.
More specifically, your mail services and DNS will have to be configured according to ICT standards.

These configurations are common, well-documented and supported by hosting companies. Some useful links:

We’ve noticed that this issue frequently occurs in organizations which moved their ICT infrastructure to cloud services such as Microsoft (O365), Amazon, Google, and MS Azure without properly configuring the ICT infrastructure which is not managed by these providers.

The configurations and recommendations need to be implemented on the customer’s ICT infrastructure, either internally or externally. DNS and Mail services are the main ICT platforms for these actions.


E-mails contain an “Envelope From” and a “Header From”. Both need to match to avoid that the mail is blocked.

Some examples:

  1. A public service is using its new domain name in the “Header From” and its old domain name in the “Envelope From”.
  • Envelope From =
  • Header From =

➔ These e-mails will be blocked.

Remark: Because it’s a noreply address, the sender will not even be aware of us rejecting the e-mail …

2. An organization is using a cloud service (Freshservice) for its helpdesk tool and the “Envelope From” has not been customised.

• EnvelopeFrom =
• Header From =

➔ These e-mails will be blocked.

3. A company uses a cloud service (Amazon SES) to send the delivery notification and the “Envelope From” has not been customized.

  • Envelope From =
  • Header From =

➔ These e-mails will be blocked.

Bart.Servaes Mon, 11/13/2023 - 14:41



Amongst other information, this section contains Architecture 1.0 components after migration to Architecture 2.0.

Bart.Servaes Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:25