Encryption module validation scenario

Encryption module validation scenario

Parties that developed their own implementation of the encryption module:

Validating different implementations of the encryption module by different parties, healthdata recommends to execute the test scenario below. Encryption module implementations that successfully pass this test scenario are approved by healthdata and will be published as such on the healthdata website.

Test scenario:

  • Log in to HD4DP with an admin account and create an account with user rights for the TEST registry (refer to article on support.healthdata.be)
  • Log in to HD4DP with the newly created user account, and fill and submit a registration for the TEST registry
  • Verify that the status of your registration changes from 'In progress' to 'Sending' (for a few minutes) and finally to 'Submitted'
  • Verify that registration created a message that was successfully processed by the encryption module and the eHealthBox client software
  • Send an email to healthdata@sciensano.be to confirm that a test message was sent
  • If your message is successfully received by healthdata, you will receive a confirmation email from healthdata@sciensano.be
  • Between 6 to12 hours after registration has been submitted, a status message from healthdata (via eHealth ) should be received in the eHealthBox, In version 1.5 or older that status will change to 'review in progress'.
    In version 1.6, the status is 'Submitted' but the confirmation field will change to OK. 
  • Send a screenshot to healthdata@sciensano.be to confirm that the status changed to 'Review in progress' or confirmation 'OK'.
manager Thu, 11/11/2021 - 17:09