eam.healthdata.be 2.7

Last updated: 2024-01-15 11:13

Welcome to the documentation pages for the project "Entity Access Management" ("EAM"), provided by the service healthdata.be (Sciensano).

These pages provide information about the use of the "Entity Access Management portal" and the processes behind. The following sections are (will be) provided:

  • Access the HD EAM portal
  • How to request access to a healthdata.be application (HD4DP v2, healthstat.be) for a specific project (for end-users)
  • How to give access to a healthdata.be application (HD4DP v2, healthstat.be) for someone from my organization (for staff mandated by organisation: Responsible Access Entities, his/her delegate, the IT responsible for HD4DP v2, or a Local Study Lead)

As the documentation of the EAM portal is being updated on a regular basis please be advised to check the Release notes first.